Child Abuse: Threatened by My Mother's Boyfriend

jeudi 6 novembre 2014

My question involves child abuse or neglect in the State of: Florida

I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible. Over the past few days, things have been getting heated around my home due to some occurrences throughout my family involving my elderly grandmother's deteriorating mental state. The other night, while my mom was angry with me for defending my grandmother, she decided to bring her boyfriend into the issue (who always sides with my mother, even if he doesn't know what the story is. After trying to exchange mature, civil words with my mother while she's shooting expletive after expletive at me through text, along with other nasty things, her boyfriend gets home. He stomps upstairs to back her up, and he tells me that if I were his child he would "slap" me, and he added that he would "beat me and nobody would arrest him". This left me shaken and afraid to fall asleep in the place that I live, and I told my boyfriend about what happened. Of course, I legally cannot go to him if my mom says I can't because I'm not 18 yet, however I did make it clear to myself that if he sent me threats or tried to touch me, I would immediately call the police. My mom's boyfriend is a big guy and I'm barely 100 lbs., it would be impossible to defend myself if he were to hit me, leaving me feeling extremely vulnerable.

Anyways, the trouble lies in the fact that he's part of the legal system in our city. He's well known around the county for his courtroom demeanor, he's a no nonsense kind of person, and I respect that. If I were to go to CPS, the issue would probably be blown out of proportion and may end up in the media, and I don't want to hurt my family, but I don't want to be hurt by him. I'm in a tough spot, as he's such a prominent person around the county, and it would be close to impossible if our case did go to court to get an unbiased trial.

I was researching restraining orders if the threats continued, however in the state of FL, a parent must file if you're still a minor, but my mom would never file a restraining order against her boyfriend, especially since she doesn't really care about his behavior towards me or how it affects me. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with my family, but whenever things happen to not go my mom's way, I'm terrified as to what her boyfriend might do next.

My question: Is there any way to get an order of protection without my mother, possibly with another trusted adult? Could I prosecute for assault or threatened abuse if the issue escalates beyond my control? And finally, if I feel completely unsafe, can I distance myself from my mother's boyfriend by stepping away from the house for a little while to protect myself?

Thank you.

Child Abuse: Threatened by My Mother's Boyfriend

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