Hearings and Trials: Speeding Ticket Via Pace, No Mention of Calibration

jeudi 6 novembre 2014

My question involves traffic court in the State of: WA

Hello all,

My wife received a speeding ticket for 70 in a 60 zone via the PACE method. I contested the ticket, requested discovery (thank you Barry for an excellent sticky!), and received the officer's sworn statement today.

The statement mentions that the officer paced my wife for 2 miles and her speed was consistently in the 75-80 range. However, the statement makes no mention whatsoever of the accuracy of his speedometer, or that it was ever checked or calibrated. Further, there is no way to identify the officer's vehicle, as no such information has been provided in the statement or the NOI.

Based on another thread (http://ift.tt/1sljkmX), this feels like it might be easy to dismiss based on lack of foundation. However, could you guys please advise me as to what exactly she should say in her defense? She is an extremely nervous public speaker, and unfortunately I won't be able to speak for her (can I?), so it would be immensely helpful if I could just hand her a script to read off of.

Really appreciate everything you guys do, and any help you can provide.



Hearings and Trials: Speeding Ticket Via Pace, No Mention of Calibration

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