Hiring: Any Point in Applying for Jobs with Pending Felony Charges

jeudi 6 novembre 2014

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: Texas

I was charged with two felonies, criminal mischief, and then a retaliation charge within 30 minutes of getting released. A crazy b1tch blatantly damaged her own property, then called then cops and said I did it. Upon hearing I was released, she immediately called the police again and said I was threatening to hurt her for calling the cops on me, for which I got a retaliation charge. Since this has happened, I have witnesses that saw her damage her own property, and a text from her admitting that she did it to set me up and was regretful. My lawyer is confident these charges will be dropped.

This happened almost a year ago; I have had no opportunity to share my side of the story to a judge. I have been to court three times for "status conferences" which was just me checking in to protect my bail.

Since this happened, I have graduated college with a bachelors. I tried to apply for a IT job in a school district (in a different city then where I was charged at), and was hired to start for decent salary ASAP pending drug/background check. After seeing these pending charges they withdrew their offer :wallbang:. Does any one know if this is what I can expect every where that I apply? Am I going to have to continue working for minimum wage for god knows how long in till these charges end up getting dropped? I don't want to continue going threw interviews, just to burn bridges and get denied employment, but perhaps they denied it because they are a school district and more strict? Any advice on my situation would be helpful, thanks. It's damn hard trying to survive off minimum wage with student loan payments monthly.

Hiring: Any Point in Applying for Jobs with Pending Felony Charges

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