Use and Enforcement: Right of Way Usage in South Carolina

lundi 10 novembre 2014

A few years back I bought a piece of property and built a house on it. There are 4 other properties that connect to mine. There is a dirt access road along my longest property line that was used as a driveway years ago. The house that it went to has since been annexed into a subdivision with access from the other side. The road hasn't been used for access to a property in years. The power runs on overhead lines along the access road for that house, so the power company does use it for access if necessary. Besides my property (which i have my own driveway) there is a 6 acre property behind me on my side of the access road and about 60 acres owned by a real estate company on the right side of the access road. The 6 acre property is owned by the same person that the access road was previously used by. Therefore, it can be accessed from their house that is now in the sub division. The property that the real estate company owns is accessed through a paved road on the other side as well.

I realize that if the 6 acre property was sold, the access road may be used to get to that property. It is also a fact that the power company has use of it when they need it. Is this access road owned by one of the other property owners? Who has the right to say who can and who can't use the road? I'm having trouble with other people using the road just because its there.

Use and Enforcement: Right of Way Usage in South Carolina

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