Custody and Visitation Issues: How Do I Respond to an Interrogatory Under Oath

jeudi 26 mars 2015

My question involves a child visitation and support case from the State of: North Dakota

I am involved in a civil action regarding visitation with my children and determining my share of child support, Pro Se. I currently live in Lousianna. I recently received an Interrogatory and Request for production of documents. I intent to respond accordingly, however I am unsure how it is that I am to show proof that I was under oath when answering the questions. Is there verbage I need to include in my answer document. I have available to me a Justice of the Peace, who is also a Notary, do I need to involve him as to swearing me to oath before or after I write my answers? Any other details I am missing?

Custody and Visitation Issues: How Do I Respond to an Interrogatory Under Oath

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