Divorce: Divorce From a Non-Citizen

vendredi 27 mars 2015

My question involves a marriage in the state of: Texas. My husband and I were married for less than a year when we separated. He was not a citizen which he did not tell me until after we were engaged. Stupidly it had never occurred i me to ask. Two weeks after we were engaged he told me we had to get married right then or he would not have a job. I refused and told him no. He lost his job and I felt horrible. About a month later he had a new job with a major electronics chain and told me it was taken care of. A little over a year later once we were living together he came to me and told me we had to get married immediately or he would lose his job and have to go back to his home country destroying the life and caterer he had built for himself. I felt so horrible. I loved him so much and would have done anything for him. I asked if we could wait a week so that my family could be there. He said no it had to be as soon as possible. So we got married. Four months later he still had not filed any of he paperwork he needed for the citizenship. I became deeply depressed. He had no regard for me at all. We had a mascot argument during which I told him he needed to get i together or this was over. Five months later he still had the cashiers check for his citizenship sitting in a drawer. We had so many problems I left. I told him I wanted a divorce. I started dating again and he decided to file the divorce stating adultry as the cause for the end of the marriage. I had been asking for for months for the divorce hoping we could separate amicably. He now wants my ring a necklace he gave me and a car that is in our joint names back to "pay joint debts." We have no joint debts and he has his own vehicle which I put my old car as a down payment for. I didn't get a lawyer at first because I didn't think I'd need one. But his parents lawyers are sending me paperwork that is 50 pages long and my lawyer telling me it will cost me at least 5000 for her assistance. I have no idea what to do or where to start. I can't afford 5000. I'm a single mother who is my child's sole provider. I can't afford to buy a new car. The ring and necklace were family heirlooms and I will gladly return them.

Divorce: Divorce From a Non-Citizen

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