Service of Process: Found Out a Bench Warrant Was Issued for a Disputed Debt

mercredi 25 mars 2015

My question involves small claims court in the state of: Indiana

I just found out from a nosey friend that a bench warrant was issued for disputed medical debt that I tried to pay but the provider refused to take my payment. It was part of a car accident settlement and he refused to take the lesser remediated amount. It was also for a 2003 debt.

I knew nothing about a small claims case and was never served for one. My husband and I moved to Kentucky in 2009 and recently moved to Michigan because of my job. Now I found out that I was found in contempt of court for not appearing and a bench warrant was issued in Indiana.

Oh, and the original bill was for just under $2000, and the remediated amount was for $800. The amount the collection lawyer wants now is almost $5000. I dont have $5000.

What are the repercussions if I dont pay this blackmail? Will this warrant expire? Will they come to Michigan to get me? I can stay away from Indiana if I have to but my kids and grandkids live there. Please let me know what a good course of action would be. Thanks

Service of Process: Found Out a Bench Warrant Was Issued for a Disputed Debt

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