Relatives: Citizenship Through Naturalization (Special Situation)

jeudi 26 mars 2015

If a 17 year old who ran away (*Legal Permanent Resident/Green Card Holder*) from home right around the time his parents had gotten naturalized to become U.S. Citizens, and then turned 18, would he be considered a U.S. Citizen or would he have to been present during the Oath/Or Ceremony too?

Me and my friend Were arguing about this haha

I said it wasn't possible

Shorter Version:

Basically if you're not in legal custody of your parents/guardians, neither the state itself.

And you turn 18 after your parents get naturalized. What happens to your legal situation?

And you were a 17 year old Green Card Holder at the time of running away.

Relatives: Citizenship Through Naturalization (Special Situation)

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