Custody and Visitation Issues: Single Mother Needing Advice on a Case Worker That is New and Confused at Cost of My

samedi 7 mars 2015

My question involves a child custody case from the State of:Missouri

my case starting in October of 2013,has some ups, but mostly downs.when the investigators had originally come in as well as the investigating police please look around my house and found it to be immaculate when the investigators came for the DSS they didn't like that I had a bunch of posters in the downstairs basement but my child never went down to the basement so that shouldn't matter other than that there is no findings on any reason why my house was unsafe for my child I don't believe only thing they were asking of me was too do a drug test for now when I faxed in my response was my temporary rights or custody please to my mother with it notarized they asked for what reason and I let them no I was planning on going into a substance abuse program and wanted her to be able to take her to the doctoror be able to have responsibility for her while I was doing the program before they were ever involvedthey then decided to open up a case for me and from then it's been downhillthe first we have I was kicked in the for substance abuse used in the facility the second rehab I wasn't able to complete cuz it was a year-long program and the weather had a lot to do with me not being able to make it there everydayafter the second program denied mycomplaints the judge said that I was only allowed to visit my daughter well in the program I had you also prove myself to be 90 days clean from there I went to a third program and they did really well actually they're ready to give me my certificate for completion I completed a hair test follicle that showednothing except for marijuana that I had been exposed to everything else was cleanit's getting close to the end of the case and they did their second hair test for local which should some substance abuseit is either my mom gets to adopt a child which I don't want to happen because I don't want her to have that power over me because she will not allow me to see my child .... SHORT (my daughter has stayed with my mother for a year and a half well I've been trying to complete these programs I had signed temporary custody over to her before the case was ever open what my question is can the state take away my rights after its been a year and a half and I've been complied with what they asked but unable to complete everything in the time they've mother has applied for adoption for herPoint Blank I want my daughter and I will do whatever it takes I'm having a little bit of trouble doing it in their time but can they just up and take my rights like that when I have her for three years of her life to begin with and all of a sudden she's been ripped outmy mom had temporary custody of her from the beginning so I don't understand if they're willing to give her the adoption right why they would have gotten involved in the first place..can you please help me out with what I should do and that I might have left if they are pushing for adoption after our next meeting)please please please help me if you can my daughter is my whole world and I don't want to go on without herI'm even having nightmares still and its been a year and a half I wake up screaming thinking that she's a hurt somewhere and I can't find her.I've never been depressed until now and I'm seeking help for that but this is just ruining me cuz I'm usually a pretty happy go lucky personand that's all changed for the worst...if you need more details about the case let me know and if be more than happy to give them to you but I'm sick to death of worry with this sleep etc....I only have my baby to keep.e going and they can't just throw me out for simply using drugs if she wasn't being neglected or harmed in any way can they?

Custody and Visitation Issues: Single Mother Needing Advice on a Case Worker That is New and Confused at Cost of My

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