Divorce: Divorce

lundi 23 mars 2015

My question involves a marriage in the state of:Connecticut.

My wife filed for the divorce getting a free attorney, but she is telling me not to spend the money to hire a lawyer, because all she wants is the alimony and her personal properties whice I'm assuming it is just the personal stuff that she has in my house. We got married in a different country and it has been a little over three years. All my three houses that I own I bought them before we got married. She works part time making $300.00 a week and has no liability. I pay for her phone, car, telephone and she has been living with me since she served me with the divorce. She mentioned that her attorney is asking for $600.00 per month as an alimony. I'm a retired teacher, my pension is $556/week and have $600.00/week income from my rental homes. My expenses right now are even with my income. I got in touch with an attorney and she wants $3500.00 to finish the divorce. If I pay the attorney and then pay that alimony, then it might be more than what I can afford. Just thinking may be I skip the attorney fee and just pay the alimony? Can I hire an attorney after the first court meeting to change the alimony? Her car is leased and she wants the car which I have been paying the payments! She can have the car but not the phone payment which I think I could ask those at the nogociation time. I also offered $4000.00 to close the case but she wants$5000.00! I know if I hire my attorney, the attorney might make me agree with the 4, or the 5 grands! Then please advice me, should I go to the negociation table by myself or with my attorney? Can I stop the action at the first court day after I see her financial affedivit and then ask for the attorney to help me? She is a skilled Taylor and she is capable of working 5 days a week, she is 42 and I am 66 years old. I have an asset of $400,000.00 from my houses non with her. Thanks for your help.

Divorce: Divorce

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