Divorce: How Long Does It Take to Get Divorce in Utah

lundi 9 mars 2015

My question involves a divorce in the state of:utah

My sister had her divorce proceedings started over two years ago in Utah. At the time, her "ex" was more interested in dragging the proceedings out in order to deplete her funds than he was in finalizing the divorce. The case has laid dormant for nearly two years now. Neither side has shown much interest in the case; she doesn't have the cash to do anything and he is sitting pretty without having to pay a dime in child support or spousal support. My question is this: Is there a time limit for a divorce case to be completed in Utah; especially since there has been absolutely no action on the case by either side in nearly two years? She no longer lives in Utah and would like to file in her present home state so she can move on with her life. There are child cusotdy issues that may or may not play into getting the Utah divorce proceedings dismissed. I want to know about it too.

Divorce: How Long Does It Take to Get Divorce in Utah

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