Office Lottery Pools, Can One Sue If

lundi 9 mars 2015

I am the organizer of an office lottery pool. All 5 players plus myself(6 of us total), pay into the pool several months in advance. Collections are done before we punch the time clock, during lunchtime, or after work. Then I take all player's cash home, write a receipt to each player, then I buy tickets weekly, email ticket scans to players every week and also list the current players in all emails. The current players are not "friends", but we get along professionally. All current players are like myself, steady workers, not temps. There are some steady coworkers who have bullied me, spread false gossip, or are disrespectful in general. I'd prefer not to invite these difficult coworkers to play in my pool when I re-open it for my current players to pay me and play for another few months. I view some coworkers as potential trouble makers if they joined my pool. My question is, if my pool wins big, can the coworkers who I have not asked to contribute to my pool, successfully sue me/sue the pool for 'a jackpot share', because I did not ask them to join nor inform them when I was collecting for the period that my pool won? Or as the pool organizer, am I legally entitled to decide which coworkers I want to play my office lottery pool? There are 3 black players and 3 white players in my pool; no one could claim race discrimination.

Office Lottery Pools, Can One Sue If

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