Runaways: I'm Almost 18, is It Legal for Me to Leave Yet or Can My Parents Still Make Me Stay

vendredi 6 mars 2015

My question involves juvenile law in the State of: My father and stepmother have never let me hang out with friends after school or do any extra-curricular activities after school or on the weekends. I'm not aloud to have a boyfriend or talk to guys in any romantic way. I have wanted to leave for a long time but never knew when I could without them dragging the police into it. I have held in for the past 21 months but I only have about 60 days left till I turn 18 and I want to leave now. If I tell them I'm moving out and leave, will they be able to call the police and make me come home?

Runaways: I'm Almost 18, is It Legal for Me to Leave Yet or Can My Parents Still Make Me Stay

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