Trademarks: Does My Product's Name Infringe or Dilute a Trademarked Name

dimanche 8 mars 2015

Hello :-) I would really appreciate it if someone could help me.

Say there is a toy robot called Zapbot. The makers of Zapbot, ProtonGames, are a large and well known company in the robotics industry but not a household name to the general public. ProtonGames also sells a separate iPad app controller for Zapbot, Zapcontrol, as well as an iPad video game, Zapbotics. You can buy these apps on the Apple app store.

Well it turns out that not just kids like to play with Zapbot. A huge number of adult amateur geeks and engineers do some pretty neat and useful things with it. In fact, ProtonGames encourages the creation of supplementary commercial products that can interface with Zapbot.

I, myself an amateur software programmer, created what I believe to be a more robust iPad app controller for Zapbot than Zapcontrol. I have called it: Zappennig. It is only available to be purchased on my website.

Could ProtonGames claim trademark infringement?

Many thanks!

Trademarks: Does My Product's Name Infringe or Dilute a Trademarked Name

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