Probation and Parole: Getting Permission for International Travel While On Probation

mercredi 25 mars 2015

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Minnesota

I am currently on probation for Second Offense DWI, Gross Misdemeanor. I was recently sentenced and I have had an 11 day trip to Central America planned for nearly 6 months now. My probation requires me to call in on the 9th of each month and correspond with an automated system to inform the state of any changes of employment, contact information, or if I have had any contact with law enforcement. At orientation, I was informed that I needed permission from the judge who sentenced me in order to leave the state or country, but in my paperwork it states I am to ask permission from my PO. I technically do not have a PO, so this is confusing... And those that I have spoken to constantly give me the run around telling me to contact someone else.

Honestly, the only thing that is stopping me from simply just going on my trip without asking permission is that a stipulation of my probation is random UAs. I have spoken with many other people that are in the same situation as I am in regards to probation, and they have all told me that they have never been called in for testing even though it is a stipulation, and they the only reason I would be called in is if they were suspicious of drug use. I don't use drugs, so I have no reservations about actually taking the tests... I am worried that they will call me in for testing while I am out of country and I only have a 24 hr window to report once advised to do so. I guess my question is, what are the odds that I will actually be tested randomly on a semi-regular basis? And whom should I be contacting in order to be granted permission to leave the state or country? Lastly, what type of process is this, and generally what is the time frame to resolve such a matter?

Thank you,


Probation and Parole: Getting Permission for International Travel While On Probation

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