Wills: What to Do when You Have Nobody

mardi 31 mars 2015

My question involves estate planning in the state of: South Carolina

I have two adult children and two grandchildren that are not in my lives. My ex did a great job of alienating them from me. I am not married and have a brother and sister, both of whom have pretty much told me to get lost after our father passed. He had made me executor of the will and they weren't happy they didn't have control. I have drafted a will and living will naming a good friend as the executor. After thinking about it I'm not sure that was a good idea. I bought a house last year and have a small mortgage. He has some children I don't care much for that may take advantage of the situation. I don't really want that. So, what can I do? I have an appointment to see the attorney again next week. I was going to just allow him to take care of everything should I die. I don't imagine there's a whole lot else that I can do. By the way, the will, as it is now, does explicitly disinherit my children and siblings.

Wills: What to Do when You Have Nobody

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