Breaking Up: Ex-Boyfriend Charged Up My Credit Cards and Has Now Stopped Paying on Them

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

My question involves a relationship in the state of: New York

My Ex-Boyfriend charged up 3 of my credit cards in 2012. When I found out that he had maxed them out, I immediately took the cards and cut them up. He promised that he would pay the bills for them every month and he has been up until September of this year. His reasoning is that the interest is too high and he feels I should go through a debt settlement company since he is no longer able to afford making the monthly payments. I have never been late on any of my own bills and I would hate to have my credit destroyed due to this. I have proof through e-mails and text messages that he claims that this is his debt. I'm not sure where to go from here...

Breaking Up: Ex-Boyfriend Charged Up My Credit Cards and Has Now Stopped Paying on Them

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