Spousal Support and Alimony: Can You Get Spousal Support After a Three Year Separation

dimanche 30 novembre 2014

My question involves a marriage in the states of: Iowa & Alaska

My ex and I married in Nov 2008 in Iowa. We moved to Utah in Jan 2010 due to his job (USAF) where we stayed for 2 years. During this time, I found that if I had a job, it would only cover the cost of child care with nothing extra. He decided after moving there that he wanted to be single and started seeing other women during a 6 week span of me and our son coming back to Iowa to work for his family. After returning to Utah, I found a way to work and split child care with a friend of both me and my ex. Shortly after this, my ex said that he wanted a divorce. I asked for a year where he didn't date or sleep with anyone. We moved me and our son back to Iowa in Dec of 2011 and he stayed in Iowa until Jan 2012. At the end of Feb 2012, he started dating and sleeping with others. In Nov 2013, he was moved to Alaska for his job. He came back to Iowa for Christmas from Dec 2014 to Jan 2015, during which time we were sleeping together. We ended up arguing and not talking from Jul 2014 until Nov 2014. I have recently found out that he has been dating someone since Jul 2014, she and her child moved in a month later, and last week he proposed to her and she accepted.

Now my ex is telling me that after 3 years of being separated, he will not have to provide me with any support. I am currently working, I don't pay any rent or utilities, and I own a vehicle that I have a loan on. I still make so little that I don't pay for schooling and we are granted FIB. He currently pays only my and our son's dental insurance, my car insurance, and my cell phone bill every month. His job provides all of us with health insurance. I am being forced out of the house I currently live in due to it being demolished summer of 2015 and plan on moving in with my boyfriend who lives an hour away.

Is there a limit on time to file for divorce and not have to provide any support? Is there any truth to it? I am planning on filing for divorce anyway, but without his support, I can't afford to keep a car or cell phone. These are the same things that provide our son with transportation and provides a way of contacting his school and doctors.

Spousal Support and Alimony: Can You Get Spousal Support After a Three Year Separation

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