Custody and Visitation Issues: When is It Contempt And/or Harassment

lundi 24 novembre 2014

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Florida

My ex and I were not married and have a 5 year old daughter. In June, 2013, we signed and submitted a parenting plan which allows the father supervised visitation on Thursdays and Sundays. It was approved by the court. My ex is an admitted alcoholic and has attempted to commit suicide three times. Since we signed the plan, he has seen her a handful of times with a supervisor but complains that he cannot afford a supervisor and none of his family or friends will do it. He asked me to supervise, which I tried, but he was verbally abusive to me in front of our daughter so we stopped. I receive daily text messages from him condemning me for "keeping his daughter away from him" and "brainwashing" our daughter. There is a paragraph in our plan that states "the parents shall not use the child as messengers to convey information, ask questions, or set up schedule changes" yet when he calls her, he asks her if he can come over and visit without discussing it with me first. He asks her if he can meet us for dinner or meet us at a park. He has told our daughter that "Mommy hates Daddy" and "Mommy is keeping Daddy from you". The holidays are almost here and since he refuses to get a supervisor, he has told our daughter that he will come over to our house. He has left me messages saying that I will get my child support ONLY if I "produce our child". He refuses to put the child support in the mail and insists on giving it to me in person or leaving it in my mailbox. He has cursed at me in front of our daughter at her swim lessons. Can I get the court to help me? The daily texts and phone calls are putting a lot of stress on both me and my daughter. My daughter sees a therapist once a week to talk about issues surrounding her father. I am tired of constantly being berated and verbally abused. How can I get this to stop? He is welcome to see his daughter if he has a supervisor but he claims he does not need one so he does not see her and instead, verbally abuses me through text messages, in person or through my daughter.

Thank you

Custody and Visitation Issues: When is It Contempt And/or Harassment

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