Custody and Visitation Issues: Baby's Mother Refusing Me Visitation and Had New Boyfriend Sign Birth Certificate

vendredi 17 avril 2015

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Pennsylvania

My ex recently had our baby and yes I'm 99% certain she is mine though I do want to be 100% with a Paternity test. I was not notified when she had the baby and do not know the baby's name or even her birth date though I do have all the mother's information. I have even been told that she had her new boyfriend she met when she was 7 months pregnant sign the birth certificate. I don't know how to get records of the birth and there wasn't an announcement in the newspaper. I was told to go file for custody and that it shouldn't matter that he signed the birth certificate. But I also understand that once I file it is my responsibility to serve her with the court papers and I am unsure how to do this. Even if I go to her house and give her the papers whats to stop her from saying she never got them, can I call thenpolice and have them witness me giving her the papers, I don't know what to do, the courts haven't been able to advise me, I make little more than minimum wage so saving for a lawyer will take too long. Please is there anyone that can help me, I'm lost in a sea of read tape and just want desperately to be involved in my daughter's life. HELP!

Custody and Visitation Issues: Baby's Mother Refusing Me Visitation and Had New Boyfriend Sign Birth Certificate

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