Juvenile Court: Help

samedi 18 avril 2015

My question involves juvenile law in the State of: New Jersey

I'm 17 years old. So I was with two friends and they both came to pick me up from my house. One is 18 and one is 14. I knew they had marijuana in the car, we were all planning on smoking. Big mistake I will never do that again. I knew that they had 30$ worth of marajuana and they had 3 wraps. So we went to an area by a woods park and we pulled over on the side of the road. The 18 year old was driving, the 14 year old was in the front seat and I was in the back seat. A cop drove past and asked us what we were doing, the 18 year old said she just pulled over to make a phone call and the cop drove away. Then he came back a couple minutes later and we were still there so he put his lights on and came up to the car with a flashlight. He asked us if we had been drinking or doing drugs and we said no. Because we really hadn't. None of us had smoked or drank or done anything. And the cop told us to get out of the car so we did and he saw the 2 blunts on the front passanger seat. the 18 year old kept whispering me to take the blame and I said no but when the cop came over and asked who's it was both the girls immediately looked at me and the cop stared at me and asked me and I was silent and he kept asking me so I said yes it's mine but it really was NOT mine. And he asked me where I got it from and I didn't say anything because it wasn't mine and I actually had no idea where they got it from so I didn't know what to say. The 18 year old and 14 year old had already picked up the weed before I was even in the car. So then they searched the car and found a bong in the trunk in a bag which I had no idea that was there, I swear I knew nothing about that at all. We went back to the police station and everything and they told us that we were going to have to go to court. I'm so absolutely terrified I was crying the entire time, I have straight A's and I'm a cheerleader and I plan on going to college and I will never ever ever do anything like this again please someone tell me what's going to happen to me and what I can do because I'm so afraid. Am I going to get charged with anything? Should I get a lawyer? The 18 year old has a previous charge with possession of marajuana I don't know the details but I know she does. But her dad is crazy and I'm terrified that she will tell him it belongs to me and it really doesn't and I do not want to take the fall for this. What should I do? Am I going I get charged with anything? I didn't have anything on me except my phone I wasn't high, I was in the car after they got the weed, it wasn't my weed, I didn't know about her bong, but I knew about the weed. Someone please help I'm so afraid that I ruined my life

Juvenile Court: Help

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