Drunk and Impaired Driving: First Timer: DUI and Possession

mardi 30 septembre 2014

My question involves criminal law for the state of: California

I was recently arrested for DUI and Possession of a controlled substance. I was cooperative and I agreed to blow, .18. The found the paraphernalia in my wallet, even though it was not in my system. I was release on an OR from the bail commissioner.

This is my first experience with the Law and the court system. Would it be better for me to hire an attorney or go with a public defender? I work full time; however, I don't make that much money. I have accepted the DUI charge. Although, I am very scared about the Felony charge.

My court date is tomorrow: I intend to plead "Guilt" for the DUI and "No Contest" for the Possession charge.

Thank you very much and any feedback would be greatly appreciate.

Drunk and Impaired Driving: First Timer: DUI and Possession

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