Sex Offenses: Is or is Not Statutory Rape

mardi 30 septembre 2014

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Washington

ive grown up with peers 4-5 years younger than me since the 3rd grade if this helps my case

almost a year ago. me a 19 y.o. at the time, and a girl at 14, stared dating. I've known this girl 2 years previous but was unaware of her age. i asked her father if this age difference was ok with him and his wife; they said it was. 3 months pass we get serious, and things are fine, parents are aware of our sexual relationship. In june after her 15th birthday of 2014 CPS takes the girl and her sister, i dont see them for a month or so. we reconnected but parents are suddenly far against it and make me out to be a monster and try to pin statutory rape on me. before june we underwent an abortion, it was a hard loss for both of us, an accident but still it was important to both of us. now the family besides the biological father are against me and wish to press charges. there is no "no contact" order so we continued to see eachother. What is our standing? in the wrong or right? please respond with answers as well as similar cases where the defendant is innocent.

Sex Offenses: Is or is Not Statutory Rape

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