Other Violations: Hov Violation Question 21655.(B) 21655.8(A)

jeudi 25 septembre 2014

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: California (Los angeles area) ticket has Inglewood courthouse on it.

8/13/2014 i was driving home from work. I live in San bernardino and commute to El Segundo where i work at LA AFB as a IT professional. I take the same 3 freeways 5 days a week 210W/605S/105W to work and 105E/605N/210E home from work. On this day i was driving home heading to the 605N, I was in the fast lane in bumper to bumper traffic moving 5-10mph. I had someone directly infront of me and behind and someone on my passenger side. The driver on my passenger side in a red 4 door sedan starts to slowly enter my lane. I honked my horn repeatedly, and he continued to enter into my lane. I'm slowly drifting into the carpool lane, my left tires were on the double yellow line. I continued to honk and even tried to wave to get there attention, even the car behind me honked their horn as well. My left tired were in the middle of the double yellow lines, and he continued to come so i took a quick glane over my left shoulder to make sure my blind spot was clear and looked in my rear view mirror to insure no speeding vehicle was coming up quick and dove into the carpool lane to avoid the accident.

Immediately i turned my right turn signal on to show i wanted to get back into the fast lane, and i slowly moved on waiting for a clear opening. While i was doing this i noticed a CHP officer coming on the freeway from an on ramp. he started coming over to the carpool lane. i finally found a way in and crossed back into the fast lane over the double yellow and thats when the officer got behind me and pulled me over.

Now i was respectful to the officer showed no hostility or aggressive behavior. I explained what had happened and he said how far back was that and i told him about 400 feet from where you got on the on ramp, it had just happened. and he replied "thats the number one excuse we get for these violations", i tried to reason with him explaining that as an officer of the law and even as a civilian driver i'm sure he has seen let alone had situations like that happen where someone not paying attention when entering your lane. He asked why i didn't just stop, and i explained because i had someone directly behind me and stopping wouldn't have made him miss my car when he was directly parrellel with me and that i could look out my passenger window and see the other driver. He said why didn't i wait for a break in the carpool lane to exit it, I explained that i drive these freeways 5 days a week and everyday i see CHP pick off those solo drivers in the carpool lane because they want to be able to driver at a faster speed, and i don't need and can't afford that kind of ticket. he handed me my ticket and told me to sign. from there i signed it and he said now becareful merging back into traffic and left.

Now the problem i have is that 1. The "courtesy letter" i received claims my Fine/Bail is $1558, when i look up my citation online at the la superior court website it says bail 979....if i want to do traffic schoolits 633 plus a 10 epublic access fee. So i have THREE different values on a fine. I've also thought about contesting this particular ticket in court, but everything i've read basically says your hoping that the officer doesn't show up to court, or doesn't respond to the Trial by declaration. Is this true, does anyone think i have a chance of winning this case if the officer does show/respond? I have a spottless driving record and no criminal record to speek of. And for me this ticket going to cost me 4-5 times more then it would've cost me to just let the other person hit my car (500 deductible). but at the same time i can't afford to lose my only reliable transportation to some moron who wasn't paying attention to the road, In november i'll be 1 year on the job and i can start collecting vacation/sick time...so if i miss work right now i don't get paid, so if i had let him hit me and lost my car for 2-3 weeks for repairs i could possibly lose my job. Having these tickets on my record can possibly effect my clearance level at work which will also cost me my job. So any advice would be great. Especially if you are/were a traffic lawyer. I don't want to do the "wait it out" method for the next 6 months i'd rather take care of this ASAP and be done with it.

Thank you for your replys

Other Violations: Hov Violation Question 21655.(B) 21655.8(A)

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