Stalking: Phone Stalking Out of State

lundi 29 septembre 2014

My question involves criminal law for the state of: NY/NJ

I have a person calling me and harassing me, she calls me daily and leaves me voicemails which include threats to ruin my life and threats against my minor children. I live in NY and the person is in NJ. I went to the NY troopers and was told I cant do anything in NY since the crime is being done in NJ. I called the local municipality in NJ to be told that nothing can be done unless I travel the 6 hours to NJ and make a formal complaint. I was also told to file the complaint in NY. I am not sure what to do the harassment and threats are made daily with calls to my phone and place of employment. How can I protect myself and my family?

Stalking: Phone Stalking Out of State

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