Hours: My Paychecks Are Missing Money and My Hours Worked Aren't Accurate

mercredi 24 décembre 2014

My question involves employment and labor law for the state of: Philadelphia

I am wondering if I may have a case regarding my place of employment. I have been working for my company for a combined total of 3 years, two different states. Since I have been working here in Philadelphia I have had many issues regarding my paychecks and my hours worked. At least half of the paychecks I have received here have been missing hours worked. I sometimes have to wait 3 and 4 pay periods before the mistake is corrected if corrected at all (We are on a bi-weekly pay schedule). I have a detailed report that dates back to about a year ago showing my hours being cut by different managers consistently. I have brought this to the attention of the head of our HR department and her response is to tell me to give her the paperwork. I did not give her the paperwork because she has access to all of these reports and I don't think that I should be the one doing the legwork for her as I have my own job to do. I have not heard anything about it since I brought it to her attention 6 months ago.

Most recently I have had an issue regarding yet again, my hours not being on my checks. I brought it to the appropriate individuals and now I am being told that I have to call all of the locations I have worked at and get my hourly reports over the past few months, obtain copies of my pay stubs and I am expected to do these things and still manage a staff of 40 employees. Not to mention it is the holidays so I have a ton of personal things to get done and then I am being rushed and told that it is a battle getting this paperwork from me that they only just requested a few days prior.

I have been late on paying my bills and rent on several occasions, I have had to pay late fees and reactivation fees and all because the expected amount of money I am supposed to be receiving is not what I am getting. As of today I am waiting on money that I should have received several weeks ago and as a result my cell phone, which is required for work, is going to be disconnected yet again due to the company's relentless inability to pay me for my hours worked.

I have spoken to everyone I could regarding these issues and I keep being taken lightly. At this point i am ready to take any and all legal action I can to be compensated for all of the stress and frustration that this company has put me through.

Any advice on whether or not I have a case?

Hours: My Paychecks Are Missing Money and My Hours Worked Aren't Accurate

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