Ownership Rights: Purchaseing a Forclosed Home and They Have Family Using the Sheds/Barns As Storage

mardi 30 décembre 2014

My question involves personal property located in the State of: North Carolina

We are buying a forclosed home that is now owned by an investment corp. The investors have no idea what is actually going on on their land because they live in another state and honestly don't care (ha ha). The home behind the one we are buying is owned by a family member of the former owners of the forclosed home in which we are buying. The family member is using the barns and sheds and pastures to store vehicles put garbage etc. The clutter gets worse every time we visit the property waiting to close. When we get title do we have to evict them from those spaces? Do we have to give them a certain amount of time to get the stuff off our property? They don't have any legal rights to this property so they are basically trespassing on the land. Thanks

Ownership Rights: Purchaseing a Forclosed Home and They Have Family Using the Sheds/Barns As Storage

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