Contractors and Subcontractors: Get My Deposit Back

mardi 24 février 2015

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Pennsylvania

In march of 2011 a motorist hit my front porch. I contacted a contractor to rebuild. he came out and gave a free estimate. I decided to use this contractor. I was given a one page document that listed the job cost and the break down of money and when it was due. I gave the contractor a $500.00 deposit - (first thing listed) - (x money due when old porch torn down/ X money due when old wood removed/ x money due when new porch build/x money do on completion). Nothing else listed on paper from contractor.

2 months later my husband was sick and I had to use the money for medical bills. called the contractor and told him putting on hold explained situation and would reschedule when I could save up money. Never was able to and in the interim my husband died. I emailed the contractor 3 times (January 2015) and have called him 2 times (this month) to get deposit back. Not only has he NOT returned my deposit but he has not even acknowledged my email and calls. Any recourse on my part?

Contractors and Subcontractors: Get My Deposit Back

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