Supervisors: New Chief Human Resouces Officer is a Loose Cannon

samedi 28 février 2015

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: MD

Three months ago our former CHRO ( African-American male) was replaced by a new guy (white male) who is also a close associate to the CEO. Instead of firing the former CHRO they demoted him to a VP position created specifically for him. Additionally they fired the Dir. Of Recruitment (African-American, Vet, male) and replaced him with a white male who is a close associate of the new CHRO. There were plenty of performance reasons to fire both men.

The new CHRO is a loose cannon. He has explained to me and another team member that they were afraid to fire the former CHRO because of fear of an EEO charge. So instead they are going to load the guy up with projects and deadlines that he won't be able to meet in order to terminate him eventually for performance. But wait there's more.

The new guy is also restructuring our HR dept. in three meetings with myself and other team members individually he has expressed his desire to promote and develop all of the youngest team members. He makes a point of his expertise developing "young people at the beginning of their careers". He has restructured my position and taken away the two key areas I was hired to do and given them to two of the younger staff. His reason for giving Employee Relations to an employee with no HR background is because "she is a single mother and she is African-American" therefore she will be able to relate better to our workforce because they are predominantly single black moms. (His assumption). Yes he said this to me more than once.

In a meeting with another team member he started telling her about his divorce and then wound up with an off color joke about Italians and condoms.

He has a very short temper and frequently berates people via email and he copies others on the team in order to humiliate you further. The equivalent to berating you in front of others on your team.

I am 57 and female. My title is HR Director. My responsibilities were employee relations, training and development and benefits oversight. I supervised three people. Now that training and ER have been taken from me I have been given projects to complete which amount to HR grunt work like policy revision. He wants me to analyze the Benefits specialist job so we can outsource most her duties and eliminate her position. I would then be responsible for anything we didn't outsource. By the way the benefits person is a black female over 40. She is also the one he told the off color joke to.

My title and pay have not been changed but the job has been significantly changed to a function I am grossly overqualified for and I can see the writing on the wall.

His temper frightens me so much that I am loath to bring any of this up to him. He is HR! His close relationship with the CEO doesn't encourage me to escalate my concerns there either. So what do you suggest?

Sorry for the lengthy post.

Supervisors: New Chief Human Resouces Officer is a Loose Cannon

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