Custody and Visitation Issues: Visitation Issue

mardi 24 février 2015

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: California

6 weeks ago Dad completed supervised visits with strategies for change, phase 1 in visitation. The last 4/5 weeks we’ve been meeting each other in town to do exchanges, peacefully and fine, many times he even drops the baby off in front of my place if it’s too dark for me to drive (I’m legally blind and cannot operate a vehicle at night plus this is part of our order/agreement). A couple of weeks ago I found out that Dad had DUI in late December, which he hid from me until I confronted him about it. We have a history of Dad fabricating stories of me perpetuating acts of violence against he and his girlfriend, on multiple occasions he’s gone with these fabrications to court (to no avail b/c the judge doesn’t even address his fabrications and he sticks to the purpose of the hearing). Dad’s girlfriend’s family have threatened to harm me and “take care of me.” This has been recorded in our responses to the court. There has been bad blood between us from the get-go. Today Dad & son were supposed to have visitation, dad texted me 20 mins ago and said that b/c he doesn’t know the status of his license (whether it’s suspended or not) that he’s going to have his girlfriend’s sister drive his truck to do the exchanges. I gave him the option of doing the visitation at my living community clubhouse since he cannot drive (where I’ll be nowhere near him b/c I’ll be at work 2 miles down the road), I also gave him the option to have his blood-sibling or his parents do the transportation, he declined and insisted that his girlfriend sister do it. I feel like my hands are tied. I feel scared and unsafe around his girlfriend or anyone from her family, and he’s making me feel as if I’m denying him access to our son, when I am not and I have never… Presently we're in phase two of visitation (there are three phases before we have our next court hearing in April). Our next mediation session is next Monday.

Question: How will a mediator or judge perceive his actions and my actions? What can happen now that dad has a DUI?

Custody and Visitation Issues: Visitation Issue

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