Minors' Rights: Is It Ok for a 16 Year Old to Date an 18 Year Old

lundi 23 février 2015

My question involves juvenile law in the State of: Colorado and Florida (I live in Colorado, she is in Florida)

I met a girl on the Internet and we have become really good friends. She is 18 and I am 16. We want to 'date' as well as one can over the Internet and wanted to make sure we were legal. Is there a line that breaks the law and where is it? Is it ok to talk about... Sexual things? (I want to know just incase it comes to these things...) is it legal to send pictures that are like that? No my parents do not approve of these things. I just don't want to get her in trouble so any help is really appreciated...


Minors' Rights: Is It Ok for a 16 Year Old to Date an 18 Year Old

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