Breaking a Lease: Sued for Rent by an Ex-Roommate After Moving Out Mid-Lease

samedi 25 octobre 2014

My question involves small claims court in the state of: Washington

My ex roommate and I have been roommates for almost 2.5 years and about a year ago we signed a year lease for a house. I only lived there for 6 months and ended up leaving on APRIL 19th. The reasons why are as followed: her BF would abuse my dog when I was at work(and her dog as well), her dog did over 700 dollars in damages to the house including holes in the carpet, chewing up the trim in the master bathroom, and the trim to the door to the backyard, destroyed the backyard, peed on my bed, ate my clothes, and peed on my couch then destroyed it by eating the cushions while they were being washed(I have witnesses for all these accusations). She was married during the time we were living at the house and collecting dependent BAH(all parties involved in this are military) and she had her BF living in the house with us. We also had a mutual friend living at the house for 3 months. All 4 of us split the bills, but only her and myself were on the lease, she refused to put her bf on even after multiple attempts on my part because she did not want to get in trouble. Around march of 2014 it was obvious that none of us were happy and she found out I was talking about moving out, she offered via text message(I still have all texts involved) to release my name from the lease and replace it with her bf or we would have someone move in to help pay for the lease and add them to it, I had a friend in mind that was willing. The day before they were supposed to move in she changed her mind and said he couldn't move in and she was going to have her bf's friend move in and I would either have to get over it or move out. She also said she wouldn't be replacing my name with her bf's.

Our lease is now up and I had to forfeit my half of the security deposit plus an extra 90 from all the damages her dog caused, I also have evidence of her claiming responsibility of the damages. I spoke with my renting agency and they are going to write a letter on my behalf explaining all the different options they tried offering her to release my name and of her refusal and reasoning for not letting me off(she wanted me to still be held responsible). She also had someone move in to the house a week after I moved out, they ended up having to write up a temporary stay for him on the lease because he was staying for over 2 months. Since the day I moved out I gave my vacate notice to the rental agency and they have been trying to help me. She wants to take me to small claims and sue for 1780 or 6 months of unpaid rent. My JAG officer says he is 99% certain she will not win and I just want to know my options. Thank you for taking the time to read this/help me.

Breaking a Lease: Sued for Rent by an Ex-Roommate After Moving Out Mid-Lease

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