Firing a Lawyer: Getting My Money Back Shouldn't Take

vendredi 24 octobre 2014

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Texas

Hello forum,

My question is: How long should it take to get my money back from a lawyer we started to use then canceled?

My family hired a lawyer and his price was $6,000. we live 9 hours away from him but he works close to the person who needed one.

After a phone consultation between the 2 the person that needed it said he did not want to spend that kind of money and would go

with a court appointed lawyer. Before the lawyer would talk to him he needed to be paid so we sent the money to him.

Now to date it has been 10 days since we told the lawyer we decided not to use him. He said he would keep $100 and mail us back the

rest. We still have not received any money back. So Im thinking it shouldnt take this long and wanted to get advice from here. Please leave your feedback.


Firing a Lawyer: Getting My Money Back Shouldn't Take

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