Expenses: Is "Voluntary" Child Support Considered Taxable Expense / Income

samedi 25 octobre 2014

My question involves child support in the State of CA:

I have a teen son with a lady. I adore him. We lived together for about ten years. We are now separated. We were never married. We have never gone to Court or other venues to establish custody issues or such. We have only made a token attempt, never completed, to establish a visitation schedule or a child payment amount or a "spousal" support amount.

What I have done is make payments for the following types of items:

Utility bills (water, electricity, garbage etc), household bills (cable, phone, homeowners etc), vehicle bills (auto insurance, tires, mechanical repairs etc).

Purchases for our son including most of his clothes, exercise equipment, schooling expenses, recreational sport expenses, typical outing expenses etc.

Purchases such as groceries and take away meals on often a daily basis and delivery to her home.

Taking my son, her daughters (by previous husband) and herself to frequent restaurant meals.

Mortgage payments for the home in which she and our son live.

Clothes, furniture and other such items for her use.

Finally, I have consistently provided cash and payments by other means to her over many years. These are simply "hard" cash payments.

The purpose of this post is to ask that, in the lack of a formal child support agreement, either settled in Court or with a lawyer or even between the lady in question and me, what if any of the above payments could be construed as child support and / or "alimony" that would mean that it would or would not be a tax deduction for me or would or would not qualify as non-income for tax purposes for my sons mother. What of the above would NOT be non taxable income for my sons mother ? Is there a "reasonable" amount that should be paid for child support. Note, due to a vehicle accident I have mostly been unemployed over past ten years.

I realize that ignorance is not bliss ))

Thank you

Expenses: Is "Voluntary" Child Support Considered Taxable Expense / Income

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