Defective Products: Candle Lantern Burned Through Blankets, Sleeping Bags and Boyfriends Hand

vendredi 31 octobre 2014

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: WY

Last winter my BF asked me to purchase something to reduce condensation in our tent because we were doing cold weather camping. I went to a camping supply store and asked for a recommendation from the staff, who are all pretty knowledgeable about camping. They recommended this micro candle lantern which is made in such a way so that if it falls, the candle goes out. The website also states that this product is good for removing condensation in a tent.

So we test it out a few time and it works well, the light going out when it falls etc. Then we go to WY and use the product again. The metal of the candle holder heated up so much overnight that it melted itself off it's holder in the tent. It landed on our blankets, and while the flame may have gone out, the metal was so hot it burned through the blankets, our sleeping bags and eventually onto my boyfriends stomach. He moved in his sleep to touch the stomach, not knowing what had happened, and burnt his hand pretty bad. It was covered in painful blisters for days and I don't think I have ever seen him in that much pain.

We have a report from the ranger at the park concerning the incident, took lots of pictures, and retained all of the destroyed gear. I would like to know if I should approach the store concerning the incident first, and request a refund for all the gear or to serve them. I would ideally just like to secure the BF and me a settlement, covering the gear and his pain and suffering, but I am not sure what an appropriate amount would be, especially since we incurred no medical bills for it.

Thanks for your help!

Defective Products: Candle Lantern Burned Through Blankets, Sleeping Bags and Boyfriends Hand

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