Drug Possession: College Student Caught With Marijuana

vendredi 24 octobre 2014

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Michigan

I am a college student in MI at GVSU I got a ticket yesterday for my first time possession charge. I'm so scared I can't have a record or I'll have to remove myself from the program I want. I'm 18 years old I was with 2 other kids they only got using charges because it was my car I got possession charges! There had to be less then 2 grams of weed left due to the fact that they caught us after we were smoking and not in the act of smoking. I'm just really wanting to know how screwed I am. I am a really good kid with nothing on my record at all till this. So any advice would be really helpful. Do I need a lawyer? Should I just plead guilty? Any help please!!!

Drug Possession: College Student Caught With Marijuana

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