Rental Agreements: Breach of Contract vs Early Move Out Date

mardi 28 octobre 2014

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: Ohio

My question might be lengthy, but it was a long history. My husband and I have recently moved out of our duplex we resided in for 6 years. We had many problems during the time period there, but because of the "niceness" of the landlord and ourselves, many things were not solved. The problems started almost immediately. We saw the ad for the apartment of Craigslist (listed for the 2nd floor we wanted). Upon viewing the place, we saw the pictures were actually from the 1st floor and not the second. He was not complete with the 2nd floor at all. But despite that, it was what we were looking for so we signed our lease mid-month (the 15th). For the first 2 weeks, he continued to tell us "he was almost done", so we did not get to move in the the signed date. After two weeks, and him still not being finished, we approached him about it saying we had to be out of our current place so he let us temporarily live on the first floor (that was vacant) until he was finished. We stayed on the first floor for over a month, still paying rent for it. When we moved into the place, a month a half after the signed move in date, there were plenty of little issues, missing storm windows, unfinished bathroom kitchen and missing pieces in the fridge. We addressed them and it was always, I will come over and finish. Throughout the years, when an issue arouse he would come in and do half a job on them. The gutters would fall off repeatedly, he would hammer them back on. We went several months without gutters to wear water damage accrued in the house which he painted over. After our lease was up, it was assumed a month to month happened. Nothing was signed nor verbal on it. We decided to move to the other side of town due to job changes, we wanted to give 30 days but weren't able to so we gave him 2 weeks notice. He said it was fine. We did a walk through at the end and he pointed out plenty of damages that we had done (which is fine, we cleaned and fixed the best to our ability) After the final walkthrough, he said it looked good and there was a few things he was going to get "professional opinions" and and deduct from our deposit. Three weeks later, he sent a huge breakdown of all the "damage" we had done which took our whole deposit. I understand that, I don't agree but I understand. He also said that since we didn't not give hime 30 days we now owe another months rent, after he told us we did not (with witnesses.) My question regards our rights in this situation, especially with the breach of contract in the beginning. Thank you very much.

Rental Agreements: Breach of Contract vs Early Move Out Date

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