Deprivation of Civil Rights: Illegal Detainment

vendredi 31 octobre 2014

My question involves civil rights in the State of: Texas

I believe I was illegally detained during a traffic stop. I was pulled over for a headlight being out. The DPS officer gave me a written warning and i thanked him for that. After he hands me the ticket he then asks me to search my car. He has no probable cause so I say no and I tell him "Sir, i have the ticket already, so this stop is over and im free to go; Right?" and he says no, I'm being detained. So I ask him a few more times and he still wont let me go. He also says he'll shoot me if l touch anything the wrong way. Which scared me but l know it was true. Anyway I sit there scared for 15 more minutes and wait for a dog. The dog apparently alerts so i get out and they spend 45 minutes searching my car and of course find nothing. They caused minor damages to the inside of my car and finally let me go. My question is were they legally detaining me on suspicion only, during a traffic stop i already got the ticket for? If not, what no matter how small can l do? l love America because of our rights and l felt molested. I recorded most of the incident.

Deprivation of Civil Rights: Illegal Detainment

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