Health Insurance: Health Insurance Co Pay Refused at Time of Service by the Practitioner

lundi 27 octobre 2014

My question involves insurance law for the state of: Oklahoma

We saw a pediatrician in our former city of residence and for each visit the desk administrator would refuse to collect my insurance co pay. At first I thought they were being nice but then in discussing it with others I knew it was not legal and made it a point to insist on paying it. I would go as far as writing the check and she wouldn't take it, often the physician himself would waive me off at the window. They would say "who are they [the insurance companies] to tell us who we have to collect co pays from?" I was not the only patient/family that encountered this. In talking with other patients still in the practice, they have had major staff changes and the insurance companies are cracking down on the physician for breach of contract.

Over 1.5 year from the time we last saw the physician (we live in a different city, they claim they never had my forwarding address...but I gave it to them when we moved) I received a bill with 8 office visit co pays and an "overdue notice". Is there a statute of limitations on the time they have to bill me for co pays? Do we just bite the bullet and pay even though it was an employee and possibly the physician just not following the laws? Seems like their negligence should be documented somewhere.

Health Insurance: Health Insurance Co Pay Refused at Time of Service by the Practitioner

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