Medical Malpractice: Allergic Reation

mardi 27 janvier 2015

My question involves medical malpractice in the state of: IA

Can a doctor be sued for giving a medical contrast knowingly that I am allergic to contrast? Doctor injected me with contrast for a brain MRI, knowing I was allergic to contrast. They told me this was a different kind of contrast that didn't contain iodine and that I should be fine. I'm not allergic to iodine, just contrast. Last I knew there is only one type of contrast. I had a severe reaction which includes a blood infection, blood clots, swelling of the artery where the injection site was, and a fluid pocket formed at the site of the injection area. I had a high white blood cell count and was given an antibiotic for the infection that was in my arm and blood. 5 days after I finished the antibiotic,I began to have severe pain in my arm and the fluid sack became very painful, the artery that was swollen looks like it collapsed. I'm now having painful urination, pain in my kidneys and bladder and scrotum area, swollen prostate, and high prostate levels, blood and infection in my urine. I have been taking a 2nd antibiotic which seems to be helping some. The doctors are playing it off on the fact that I use testosterone injections. I have had these injections for going on 2 years without a problem, I have low T.

Medical Malpractice: Allergic Reation

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