Police Conduct: Is There a Limit on How Many Wellness Checks One Can Request

samedi 31 janvier 2015

My question involves police conduct in the State of: Florida

Background info to give you all an idea of what's happening: My boyfriend has a son that is two years old. His son's mother (boyfriend's ex) is mentally unstable, but is able to hide it well from everyone and instead is able to passive aggressively take it out on my boyfriend, using the child as a vehicle. She has obsessive tendencies with boyfriend and has saved photos of me and him for the past year and uses them to teach her son things about us, especially me. And yes, this is true- she has sent us video evidence of her manipulative actions. We have his two-year-old in our care every other week- a timesharing schedule that she despises. They will go to court in a month to hammer out the rest of the details of the parenting plan. Until then, they have a partial parenting agreement that was signed off by the courts after their mediation session two months ago.

The problem: My boyfriend's ex has called for wellness checks on her son while he was in our care FOUR times in the last 60 days. The last two have occurred in the last three days. After the second wellness check, my boyfriend had called the police department to obtain the police report and the officer on the line stated that it was very evident that the mother was doing this out of malicious intent and said that they would "flag" our house in their system. Meaning, if she called for another wellness check at our address, the officer provided with the request would use his/her best discretion and could make the decision on whether or not it was warranted and, if they felt so, to not conduct it.

That was two times ago, and they are still coming. In Florida, is there a limit on how many wellness checks one can request? Will she eventually begin to be fined for making unnecessary, unjustified calls to the sherriff's department? I understand she has a right to do this if she has legitimate reason to believe that her child is in danger, but she has none. She and my boyfriend do not speak because she is unable to handle civil interactions and becomes belligerent. Nevertheless, he shows up every week at the exchange point on time and returns his son to her clean, well-slept, and in good health. He is a student and I work full time and am working on my graduate degree. We live in a great neighborhood in a house where his son has his own room. There is no reason for her to believe he is in danger; if anything, judging by her current living conditions, neighborhood, and unstable financial situation, he is ten times safer here than her home.

I am looking for advice because it is beginning to affect the child. Now when the doorbell rings, he is beginning to ask, "Policeman? Policeman here?" and it is heartbreaking. This is an unhealthy environment she is exposing him to because of her selfishness and hatred for me, my boyfriend, and the fact that we have a relationship that her son sees and is happy with. Please help me, the sherriff's department here does not seem to care.

Police Conduct: Is There a Limit on How Many Wellness Checks One Can Request

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